杉並の看板屋 シミズ工芸
看板の製作から修理・蛍光灯LED交換・清掃・撤去まで!荻窪・西荻窪・阿佐ヶ谷・高円寺・吉祥寺周辺は地域割引を 行っております。
Sidewalk signs of real estate company. 東中野にある不動産屋さんにA型スタンド...
We installed a nameplate of luxury apartment made of stainle...
看板照明(LED・蛍光灯), 袖看板, 看板点検
We changed fluorescent lights of protruding signs, also insp...
袖看板, 看板点検, 清掃
Inspection and maintenance of protruding sign of ENT doctor'...
We installed automobile parking sign. We spent most of the ...
看板照明(LED・蛍光灯), 野立て看板, 高所作業
We installed orange neon signs on the surface of roadside si...
正面看板(ファサード) , 木製看板
All hand made wood carving sign of doughnut shop in front of...
We installed wall sign of the transport and logistics compan...
木製看板, 看板以外
We repaired the table made of wood. Repairing furniture i...
看板撤去・廃棄 , 高所作業
We removed all the surface of the roadside sign of the Autom...